Granite Belt Grape and Wine


The high altitude of the Granite Belt (650 – 1100 metres) provides a relatively cool climate which is well suited to winegrowing. Growing season temperatures are comparable to Rias Biaxas (Spain), the northern Rhone (Hermitage and Cote Rotie) and south west France including Bordeaux.

Rainfall in the Granite Belt is about 750mm per annum of which about 500mm falls in the six months of growing season often in the form of summer storms. While this does provide challenges to growers in some seasons (particularly from hail) it also provides sufficient water so that it is possible to grow grapes in the Granite Belt without irrigation, though most growers do have trickle or drip irrigation systems.

Soils consist of decomposed granite, are generally well drained and naturally acidic making them ideal for wine production similar to those of the Hermitage region in France which is the home of the Shiraz (or Syrah) grape.