Free or low cost evidence based resources New Access This Way Up QLD government mental health commission
Grapes for sale – vintage 2024
Chaplin Hill Estate has 1 to 1.5 tons of Shiraz grapes for sale. They are currently at verasion stage and have good sized bunches. Contact Richard Hill on 0417007460.
Berry Sensory Assessment
Berry sensory assessment is a tool used to assess the characteristics of winegrapes for their degree of maturity and possibly for their suitability for a winestyle. This resource has been collated from various pages in the Winetitles book “Winegrape Berry…

Berry split-to spray or not to spray?
Tim Coelli recently posted a link to an article by Peter Margarey and Grow Care Clare on Facebook (Granite Belt Wine Industry group). I know some people are not on facebook, so here’s the message from Tim and link for…

Leafroll Virus – Wednesday 1 March starting at 4:00pm
Leafroll virus identification afternoon Tony Hassall has offered to run a leafroll virus identification session on Wednesday 1 March starting at 4:00pm at Just Red Wines vineyard. We realise you may be busy but it’s the best time of year to see symptoms of…

Vermiculture and Soil Nutrition
Best wishes for a wonderful Christmas, Peter Peter O’Reilly Chairman – Granite Belt Wine Industry Sub-committee Granite Belt Wine & Tourism Inc 0403 003456 Sponsored by Southern Downs Regional Council __________________________________________________________________ This…
Bird Call Research in Granite Belt Vineyards
Any Grape Growers interested in being part of the bird research being conducted by QUT researcher Callan Alexander, should contact Callan as soon as possible. At the Vineyard Walk, 9, November 2022, Callan Alexander asked the group if anyone…
Leaf roll virus type 3
Some useful information regarding leaf roll virus has been added to the resources section of our industry website. In particular there are some good photos of this virus and other deficiencies that may be confused with the symptoms of the…
Australian Wine Sector International and Interstate Labour Needs in 2021 Survey
COVID-19 has caused significant business disruptions to the wine sector this year. It is important to manage these disruptions as effectively as possible. The use of interstate and international labour to meet seasonal and technical needs for a grape…
Legumes for Nitrogen
We think these legumes will work for our vineyard (Twisted Gum), but they may not suit everyone- please assess the risks and benefits as they apply to your own vineyards. Introducing new plants always has risks. [If you are interested in…